Are We Ever Really…?

Do you ever wonder if your thoughts are ever really original? Like, how do you know that they’re unique? How do you claim them as yours, for copyright reasons. They are your personal intellectual property, but let’s be honest. There is and has been over 7 billion people living on Earth. That only increases the possibility of more people to think alike or to have the same thought. So, is your thought your thought, or is it someone else’s and you just don’t know?

There’s a lot of times where I want to make a really fancy quote or come up with a really fancy idea. And a lot of times those things have already been thought up. Like, I think there was once in Junior High or something, I was writing a paper, and I wrote down something I thought was great. However, my teacher warned me not to plagiarize and that I should go and cite it right away. This kind of thing confused me because it came from my head. So, that’s why I ask? Are we really original? Or are we just like everyone else, or like someone else 100 years ago, and we just don’t know?

Published by Raina

Hello. I recently heard about this #Bloguary where people write a blog a day in January. Having heard this the last week of January, I thought I'd try it through February and see where it takes me. I used to be a writing hobbyist, writing fiction stories, poetry, blogs, and other neat stuff, but lack of support and inspiration lead me to a stopping point many years ago. I've tried to revive the hobby multiple times because I love writing so much and it was really a part of me growing up. However, it never really stuck. Here's to another method of trying! May it last and get the ball rolling again!

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