Out of Darkness

Today there was an Out of Darkness Walk at my school. I missed it because I thought I was scheduled for other things, and I didn’t want to break promises. I know there were many Out of Darkness walks around the country. These walks are marches supporting the need to remember and give time towards …

Not as Hard as You Think

You know, doing things like spending time with God isn’t as hard as you may think it is. You don’t have to do all the fancy 20-30 minute devotions, or spend hours alone in silence talking or listening for him. Everybody has their own way, and these are all just suggestions. Remember the last time …

Seek Help, Talk About It

Surprise! It’s World Suicide Prevention Awareness Day!!

From Me, To You

Sometimes the work I do inspires me, so I share to you. Here’s an example: I created this, maybe, a couple of days or weeks ago? I created it because (and yes this might sound a bit silly), because of a dream I had. I woke up and I reflected off my dream. In my …

For this site: One small change

I’ve decided I’m going to change one little thing about my website right here. Heck, I was even thinking of changing the theme because this place needs more color, but this thing is more important to the point where I feel like I have to announce it so nobody gets confused. I was thinking about… …

Faith Habits #3

What things are you tempted to turn to instead of to God? What changes would you like to make? I’m going to be honest. This first question is a little too easy for me to answer. In a way, it’s sad. I am aware and I know that I’ve been chasing after friendships and pleasing …

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