My First Blog

Just so you know, this isn’t my first attempt at a blog. My first blog ended within a week or so of publishing. First I made the website, then I made the posts. This time I made the posts and then edited the website while my first post was still out there. I think it …

Faith Habits #3

What things are you tempted to turn to instead of to God? What changes would you like to make? I’m going to be honest. This first question is a little too easy for me to answer. In a way, it’s sad. I am aware and I know that I’ve been chasing after friendships and pleasing …

Faith Habits #1

Side note: I realized that throughout my devotion book there are titled sections of which these devotions are separated off into. So, I’ve decided that’s how I’m going to be titling them from now on. What will help you draw close to God in silence when you’re alone? How can you regularly “power down” both …

Making My Vote Count

Hello! I’m back! Yesterday, as I was thinking about what to write and also struggling with the questions my devotion gave me, I came across an online survey that asked me what my opinion was for the upcoming presidential election in 2020. This drew me once again back to the realization that I don’t really …

Daily Devotional #3

What does it take to trust God in every situation? How can we grow in our faith in Jesus? The bible talks about three men who stood up against the power of their king and boldly defended their God, even if it might lead to getting burned alive in a blazing furnace. They made the …

Living Up To Expectations

Being a Christian, I struggle with living up to the expectations of those around me. Primarily, the world. When I became a Christian, there were a lot of pros but also a lot of cons. I decided I would trust the pros and see where it takes me. I decided sure I’ll believe in this …

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