My First Blog

Just so you know, this isn’t my first attempt at a blog. My first blog ended within a week or so of publishing. First I made the website, then I made the posts. This time I made the posts and then edited the website while my first post was still out there. I think it …

Does anybody know?

You know, there’s a lot of days where I wonder just how long a blog post has to be to adequate enough for, well, a blog. I’ve noticed there are people who write enough to be two pages or more, and then there’s the people who simply just pose a question. So, because I have …

Daily Devotional #3

What does it take to trust God in every situation? How can we grow in our faith in Jesus? The bible talks about three men who stood up against the power of their king and boldly defended their God, even if it might lead to getting burned alive in a blazing furnace. They made the …

Day One: New Blog, New Day

Hello! Raina here! I’m a Christian and I’ve started to notice that a lot of us don’t actually live by what we say we believe in. For example, as Christians we all know we should be reading the bible every day and praying to our God and being faithful and doing what he commands. The …

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